Want to know how to write
Want to know how to write
is there any differences between pro and normal versions? wt r the benefits of buying pro version?
The greatest feature of this browser is its ability to display both Zawgyi and Unicode fonts without a need to switch manually.
Thanks Thanyawzin Min :)
Though, it can type burmese font on attached keyboard,might be very sensitive for the another browser,some times can not read on the another browser, except from mogok browser.
Free version of this browser is better than premium version. :) I regret that I bought premium version.:D
Not perfect
I cant buy pro version of Mogok !
I can read myanmar font only,I can t write. Without buying could I not write?
some browser can see what i type with this app... :D
In new update Nov 6, now cant see Myanmar font. How to solve problem?? Thank you.
Please fix it as soon as possible. I upgraded to pro version and now I cant use it for gods sake. Wasted my two dollars.
Updated. IOS 6 latest. Cant. C. MMR. Front. Using. iPhone. 5. Help. !!
Now I cant read Myanmar font.
cant read Myanmar font .this version help us iOS 5.1.1
I cant read myanmar after updated! Any solution?
I cant read write mm font.
Myanmar fount not see. Ngwe Tun help me. Thank Ko Toe.
After update to new current version, Zawgyi font rendering is corrected for displaying but is crashed for typing!!!! Hope to correct soon!